Voter’s Highlights – April 2022

Michael Oldehoeft and Earl Oldehoeft were given Christian Burial in the first quarter.  Jeremy Fincham was transferred to Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Kansas City, MO.  Amy Behrends was granted a release from membership.


Confirmation Questioning is scheduled for June 3rd with Confirmation on June 5th at Immanuel.  Pastor is planning to start Bible Classes in August with a Sunday morning class at 9:30 prior to late service at Immanuel and Wednesday evening class at Bethlehem.  He and Pastor Miller are reviewing the memory work curriculum at Good Shepherd, including looking at the old green memory book many of us were familiar with.


The Elders have been reviewing Luther’s ‘Simple way to pray’ at their elder’s meetings.  They thank everyone who helped with church cleaning.  They will be working on a list of guidelines for use of the facilities for weddings etc. It was suggested that a fee would added for a request to record the ceremony. The Portals of Prayer will continue to be ordered and made available.


The Elders initiated a discussion regarding membership in the voter’s assembly.  The suggestion is that we consider amendments that all male members of the congregation who are age twenty-one would automatically be considered members of the Voter’s Assembly.  This issue has been considered previously at several meetings of the council and voters. The sections of the Constitution and Bylaws which would need to be amended were considered.  Since our Constitution and Bylaws have been submitted to the District Constitution and Bylaws Committee for review of other previously proposed amendments, it was moved, seconded and carried to submit these additional proposed amendments for their consideration as well.  Final action on these changes will need to be considered at a future meeting of the voters after the requirement has been met to inform all members of the meeting prior to official consideration and final adoption.  If you have questions or comments to this proposal, we ask that you would discuss it with the Board of Elders.






The Trustees would like to thank everyone who helped with the clean-up project.  Much was accomplished. 


Our insurance company has submitted a settlement after the deductible, for storm damage to the museum roof and some minor damage to the church roof.  The Trustees have a bid to repair the church roof damage and replace the museum roof with asphalt shingles.  It was decided to replace the museum roof with tin. 


The project to add a new garage attached to the parsonage was considered.  It would include a bathroom and utility room in the connection to the house.  In-line Construction bid the project, including all site preparation, construction, with electrical and plumbing included.


The School Board reported the Mission and Vision discussion should be completed soon with hope to resume the call process for a principal position.  The end of the school year program is scheduled for May 16th.


Election Results: School Board – Jason Schotte: Financial Secretary – Wayne Holle: Auditing Committee – Wayne Crome:  Cemetery Committee – Don Koehler


The Cemetery committee is looking at options to straighten some of the leaning gravestones. They will be planning a Memorial Day event but asking for suggestions for a guest speaker.


The old cassette recorder for worship service is not working properly and unless there are objections, they will discontinue cassette recordings.


Rev. Albers family acknowledged the Memorial gift sent by Immanuel.


Mark Crome was appointed to the Endowment fund Committee.


The Smorgasbord committee for 2022 will be: Scott and Jamie Schotte – Matt Bargmann – Brad and Niki Bohlken – Galen and Ruth Ann Pralle – Jenilee Ingalls