Voter’s Highlights – January 2025
Official acts - - Raymond Friedrichs (10-21-24) and Eldor Duensing (10-28-2024) were granted Christian burial. Kali Crome and Chase McGatlin Were united in marriage (10-2-2024) There were no new members and no releases.
Pastor once again indicated his joy serving as our pastor noting that he especially appreciates the Christmas decorations in and around the church. He and Pastor Miller continue provide religion classes and worship leadership at Good Shepherd. He noted that Pastor Koch and Pastor Hayes have been working with Trinity, Afton as they struggle with issues concerning pastoral care and Synod affiliation. He mentioned that Jeff Howard will be Alternate Delegate for the District Convention with Doug Schaefer as delegate.
Principal Erickson commented that during thanksgiving week students learned about skills for good etiquette and plan to emphasize humility during then Lenten time frame. Planning some hands-on learning with a raised garden bed. The participation of members attending the Christmas program is appreciated and the students enjoyed the door decorating competition with Kindergarten winning the vote. Spirit week included ginger bread houses, a movie (The Best Christmas pageant) and thanks the School Board for the sloppy joe meal. The meetings concerning the Little Lambs Daycare resulted in a decision to incorporate the day care as a self-funding program within Good Shepherd. Association Annual Meeting will be February 9 and early enrollment for 25-26 will open soon.
The Church Elders reported that things went well the last quarter including the busy Advent and Christmas schedule. The malfunction of our organ is noted and they are still pursuing possible repairs but realizing the age of the unit, the fact that the Balwin company is no longer in existence, and lack of possible options, replacement is being considered. Several possible options of available floor models in the $40,000 range, with limited warranty and new units comparable to our current model in $50,000 to $60,000 range are noted. It was moved, seconded and carried to accept a Council Recommendation to have Gary Dwerlkotte, together with the organists, research the best purchase option for a new unit with full warranty. (estimated order fulfillment would be approximately 14 weeks)
The Trustees reported the issues with the parsonage addition connection have been addressed by the contractor. A baby changing station has been added in the women’s parish hall restroom. Two failures of church furnaces have been addressed. If anyone is aware of someone who may want material from the old barn let the trustees know before they proceed with demolition.
The Board of Finance renders a thank you to the members for the continuing financial support. Envelopes will continue to be provided for those who want them and contributions which have source information will continue to be recorded in the annual report.
The Board of Education noted again the upcoming Good Shepherd annual meeting on February 9th.