Voter’s Highlights – October

Warren Drinkgern (8-9-22) and Melba Stohs (9-4-22) were given Christian burial in the second quarter

Pastor reported that his Bible Study of Galatians has started and encouraged our attendance currently at 9:30 on Sundays at Immanuel and midweek on Wednesdays a 7:00 p.m. at Bethlehem.  Pastor Miller is teaching 7th and 8th confirmation class the first semester. Pastor leads morning devotions and Wednesday Chapel. The Advent service schedule will be in the bulletin. A meeting will be set to develop the Church Worker Care Team recommended by the District Convention.  Clyde Wollenberg is the district representative leading the initiative for Zone 7. The Delegates for the Synodical convention have been elected with Pastor Miller as Pastoral delegate and ----- as Lay delegate.  Pastor Hayes and Doug Schaefer will be the alternates.

The Trustees reported that there will be an additional increase the parsonage garage project to redo the deteriorating kitchen flooring to match the addition.  They will be making arrangements for replacement of the storm damaged gutter on the south side of the museum building.

The 2023 budget was presented and adopted.

The School Board reported that a call has been extended to Rev. Anthony Dodgers as Headmaster to fulfil our hope for the principal position. The Annual Good Shepherd Auction is scheduled for November 12.

The Cemetery Committee again thanked everyone for the help mowing and tombstone straitening and other general improvements.

 Election results                                              Nominating Committee 2023

Treasurer             Nathan Bargmann            Mel Kruse Ch.

Asst Financial      Bob Bohlken                      Larry Hagedorn 

Trustee                Larry Pralle                         Ryan Schotte

Collectors            Scott Holle                         Jerry Stohs

                              Travis Pralle                       Craig Lister

                              Zack Schotte

Usher                   Larry Hagedorn

Athletic Comm   Ben Schaefer